Trends in sustainable architecture 2022 - Concept AW


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Trends in sustainable architecture 2022

Trends in sustainable architecture 2022

Before starting to talk about future trends in architecture 2022, it would be necessary to give a brief review of the trends that marked the architecture and construction sector during 2021, since many of them will remain latent during 2022.


Undoubtedly the situation of the health crisis was a moment of reflection on spaces and how they can help us have a more comfortable life through architecture, construction or interior design.

Environmental awareness as a key factor in rehabilitation and reforms

During the pandemic period and the harsh restrictions, we had no choice but to observe our home, which made us aware of its deficiencies in terms of energy consumption, comfort or structural safety.


By being more aware of the shortcomings of the houses, people have opted to create different solutions based on sustainability. To this end, actions such as improving the thermal insulation of walls, floors and ceilings, applying natural paints, updating plumbing pipes and installing water and energy saving solutions, integrating renewable energy into the home, have been promoted.

Passivhaus criteria in the architecture of today and tomorrow

The new Technical Building Code orients towards energy efficiency, comfort and safety in interior spaces, which has given rise to professionals in the sector and owners to bet on constructions such as those of Passivhaus.


By passive building we understand that building that saves energy. This way of construction was born in Germany in 1991 and since then it has not stopped spreading throughout the rest of the world. This trend combines interior comfort with low energy consumption and an affordable price.


If we had to summarize this trend in one sentence, that would be this that Antonio Gaudí once said:


“The architect of the future will be based on the imitation of nature because it is the most rational, durable and economical way”

Shared spaces in the new way of living

The state of confinement has had an impact on our lives and has meant a change when it comes to perceiving the spaces in our homes. We have converted our living room as well as our gym or even a work area. This type of new behavior has led to redefining these spaces and creating new design lines. The spaces have been steeped in flexibility, multifunctionality and the great need to be filled with light, preferably natural.


The fusion of different spaces has become a trend that breaks the barriers of spaces avoiding blocks and supporting the creation of open spaces. Help create larger common spaces to enjoy.


In many cases, the most popular solution to create this type of space while maintaining privacy has been to opt for glass solutions such as glass curtains or doors. There are even many people who have joined the trend of closing their terraces by expanding the useful square meters of their home throughout the year. The search to connect the interior and exterior of the home will be a very present element in architectural design, from the creation of large windows, zeniths, roof windows, balconies, solarium terraces, gardens …

The halls or intermediate areas have become a space to isolate objects susceptible to being contaminated such as coats and shoes, and although many households already had the habit of using these spaces so as not to use shoes inside the house, for example, this behavior is is beginning to generalize.

Sound as another element of architecture

Sound or rather, the absence of sound is one of the most present elements in homes. The search for acoustic comfort is one of the great trends, promoting the creation of spaces that take care of well-being. It is a fact that not having spaces with good acoustic comfort can lead to many problems, from lack of concentration, headaches, discomfort …


The solutions in this sense that have gained more strength have been the use of acoustic insulation and, on the other hand, the application of acoustic conditioning solutions, with the aim of being able to control excess sound through sound-absorbing elements, being able to reduce the level of noise. sound.

The path to sustainable architecture

There is a growing global awareness of our effect on the environment in the different aspects of our life, from consumption, or how even the design of a building can be developed in such a way that it presents a functional and sustainable architectural solution. This point has seemed so relevant and important to us that we will dedicate a whole post on our blog to talk about “sustainable trends in architecture for 2022”.

Concept Architectural Workshop and its passage through trends

Concept AW is very aware of the design that provides energy savings and even more so in these days. To achieve sustainability in our society, it is necessary to understand that the wisest (and most economical) thing to do is to manage to spend only that energy that is really necessary.

This is really what is promoted with the European Directive 2010/31 / EU, by which the EU countries must guarantee that from 2020, all new buildings will have almost zero consumption.

The Passivhaus concept is based on this, the criteria of which are the following:


-excellent thermal insulation

-high performance windows and doors

– absence of thermal bridges

– mechanical ventilation with heat recovery

– air tightness


Since we started working as Concept AW, we have tried to convey to our clients the need and importance of having these concepts clear, letting them see that they are investing in the future and in a building without an “energy mortgage”.


A clear example of a building with a good envelope, well insulated and with a rigorous control in terms of thermal bridges, is our Home and Office on Pintor Agustín Segura street. Whose design is based on the functionality of both buildings, a bedroom on the first floor and on the ground floor, reserved for offices.

Slider Concept AW

Another very important criterion is that of mechanical ventilation with heat recovery. It is a highly recommended system in environments with high outdoor pollution, noise pollution and very cold and / or hot temperatures. It is also a highly recommended system for people who suffer from allergies to pollen, dust or other agents contained in the air. Its installation is feasible both in block dwellings and in isolated single-family dwellings.

For this system to work properly, the building must be airtight and have no air leaks or leaks through the envelope. We are currently incorporating this system in several of our projects that are in the design phase of which we will show more details once they materialize.


Today the way of life is more practical. Most people do not have time to maintain large houses and large rooms are not used efficiently.


This is why more and more clients demand multifunctional and flexible spaces, the idea of keeping the kitchen as a separate room from the home is being lost more and more and they are beginning to seek that the kitchen is connected with the dining room and the living room .

Pintor Agustin Segura Kitchen - Chiclana - Concept AW

This type of kitchen is usually more treated in terms of design, the finishes and the general aesthetics are taken care of, becoming part of the decoration of the house.

As an example of an open space, we leave you our project for a Loft on Calle La Plaza in Chiclana de la Frontera, an old mezzanine warehouse converted into a modern industrial aesthetic studio.

The Loft - Chiclana de la Frontera
The Loft - Chiclana de la Frontera

You can see more photos of this Loft in the following link:
