The EU bans the taxes imposed by the government to the use of solar energy. - Concept AW


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Architectural Workshop

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The EU bans the taxes imposed by the government to the use of solar energy.

The EU bans the taxes imposed by the government to the use of solar energy.

The European Parlament and its 28 country members agree that from 2023, 23% of the energy used is going to be renovable.

The EU bans the taxes imposed by the government to the use of solar energy.


These are great news to us, as a company very committed with the sustainability and creating a building with the fewer carbon footprint.


In general terms, this will create more job positions, cheaper electricity bills and less energy imported from other countries.


Still, the ecologist associations think that only a 40-45% of renovable energy will meet their expectations and targets.

The EU bans the taxes imposed by the government to the use of solar energy.

La UE prohíbe los impuestos establecidos por el gobierno al uso de energía solar.

El Parlamento Europeo y sus 28 países miembros coinciden en que a partir de 2023, el 23% de la energía utilizada será extraíble.

The EU bans the taxes imposed by the government to the use of solar energy.

Son una gran noticia para nosotros, como empresa muy comprometida con la sostenibilidad y la creación de un edificio con la menor huella de carbono.

En términos generales, esto generará más puestos de trabajo, facturas de luz más baratas y menos energía importada de otros países.

Aún así, las asociaciones ecologistas piensan que solo un 40-45% de la energía renovable cumplirá sus expectativas y objetivos.
